Biggar, Hugh

Key Information

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Biggar, Hugh

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Dates of existence



Hugh Biggar was born in 1861 and was the eldest son of a family of seven which included five boys and two girls. His father was a semi-invalid. He was a socialist, pacifist, and a founding member of the Independent Labour Party of Great Britain. He also believed in the equality of women and men. When he was 48 years old, his first daughter, Helen Biggar, was born.

Hugh studied at the Glasgow School of Art (GSA) from 1881/2 to 1885/6. He was awarded the Haldane medal in 1886 and won a number of prizes and competitions.

Florence Manson, Hugh’s wife and Helen’s mother, was very artistic and knew music, singing, and drawing. She also learned bookkeeping to help the family business called Mansons & Sons. Florence’s father was totally deaf so she also knew sign language. Her grandfather was a portrait painter, photographer, and woodcarver.

Regarding his career, he was a joiner who framed houses and eventually became an architect. Unfortunately, Hugh struggled financially, declared bankruptcy, and lost the business called Mansons & Sons. Around 1929, Hugh started a cabinetmaking and bedstead business with Florence's brother, Andrew, called Manson & Biggar.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Related entity

Biggar, Helen Manson (1909-1953)

Identifier of the related entity


Category of the relationship


Type of relationship

Biggar, Helen Manson

is the child of

Biggar, Hugh

Dates of the relationship

Description of relationship

Access points area


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Processing information




• Shepherd, Anna, Helen Unlimited: A Little Biggar

Maintenance notes

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